Hot Short Talks Submission

The Hot Short Talks session (each talk with 10-minute presentation and Q&A) is an opportunity for presenting your hot products, late-breaking results, ongoing projects, speculative or innovative work in progress, application or case studies, development techniques, and technical services. Furthermore, this session also provides the extra opportunities specially for start-ups, exhibitors, vendors, consultants as well as potential billionaires, innovators, and so on. 


Please complete this form to submit your short talk abstract.

First Name
Last Name
Talk Title
Talk Abstract
(< 300 words)

If you would like to submit a Poster as well but NOT for the purpose of IEEE publication, please indicate your interest in "Hot Talk Poster" at the end line of the Abatract so that we can reserve one poster space for you as early as possible.

If you would like to submit a Poster for the purpose of IEEE publication, please follow the Posters intructions to submit it by the deadlines.